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Refreshing go to Kawah Putih, Bandung

Let's refreshing go to Kawah Putih ʅˆ,ˆʃ    We went to Kawah Putih from Bandung east took 3 hours by motorcycle and the trip includes rest periods to enjoying the views, eat our meals + drink and traffic jams in several locations that we pass haha.. Kawah Putih / White Crater is a beautiful crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia. Kawah Putih is a tourist spot in West Java located in Ciwidey, Bandung.   Hey.... Why is it called the White Crater? Is it because there is white sand? So after I found out from various sources the White Crater is a lake formed by the eruption of Mount Patuha and it turns out it is not white sand. what looks like white sand turns out to be land mixed with sulfur around this crater which makes it white, then the unique color of the water in this crater is greenish white, similar to the color of water on the beaches in Indonesia that I know such as those in Lombok, Nusa Penida Bali, the beach on the Pulau Bulat and many others.

hai hai hai hayyy long time no see manteman

hi guys.. sampurasun baraya sadayana uhuy

hello .. hola .. hallo .. bonjour .. こんにちは .. 안녕 친구 ~~ สวัสดีเพื่อน .. 你好朋友 .. merhaba arkadaşım .. привет друг

Welcome to my blog

It's a greeting in the language of several countries but we're not talking about greeting by the way. I want to share with you guys about my trip to Kawah Putih. Yeayyyy ... it's time to take some days to make a holiday with your family, friends, your wife or hubby or you can bring everyone lol you can browsing and type Kawah Putih/white crater on,,, beyaz krater on, 白色火山口 on, 흰 분화구 on

Let's refreshing go to Kawah Putih ʅˆ,ˆʃ

We went to Kawah Putih from Bandung east took 3 hours by motorcycle and the trip includes rest periods to enjoying the views, eat our meals + drink and traffic jams in several locations that we pass haha.. Kawah Putih / White Crater is a beautiful crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia. Kawah Putih is a tourist spot in West Java located in Ciwidey, Bandung.
Hey.. Why it called the White Crater? Is it because there is white sand? mm.. no no.. So, after I found out from various sources the White Crater is a lake formed by eruption of Mountain Patuha and turns out it is not white sand. Why looks like white sand because land mixed with sulfur around this crater which makes it white, then the unique color of the water this crater is greenish white, similar to the color of water on the beaches in Indonesia that I know such as those in Lombok, Nusa Penida Bali, the beach on the Pulau Bulat and many others.

Ticket Booth Next to Terminal Angkot

Visitors will feel the experience of becoming a.... scene

Tourist Attraction Rabbit Town Bandung



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Rabbit Town Bandung, Tempat Wisata Baru di Bandung 2018, Hitz, Tempatnya Orang Selfie

Rabbit Town Libur telah tiba.. libur telah tiba.. hore hore...      Sebentar lagi liburan panjang lebaran nih... pasti kamu sedang mencari-cari tempat dimana nanti menghabiskan masa liburanmu, kan. Bandung boleh juga nih menjadi tempat menghabiskan waktu selama liburan bersama keluarga, sahabat, teman-teman, pasangan ataupun solo travelling. Bandung memang selalu menjadi salah satu destinasi favorite nih ketika liburan karena terkenal dengan makanan-makanan raos jeung enak pisan, factory outlet, pembuatan sepatu, baju, sablon, tempat wisata dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Nah, selintingan dapat kabar dari temanku ada tempat baru lagi di Bandung berlokasi di Cimbuleuit, Jl. Ranca Bentang No.30-32, Cidadap tutup jam 8 malam. Tempat wisata baru Bandung 2018 yang katanya lagi hitz itu bernama Rabbit Town dapat menjadi salah satu tempat wisata pilihan yang cocok untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama teman, pasangan atau keluarga dengan membawa anak-anaknya ag...

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Thank you for your visit^^,

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